high fives
1. A page posted by Ancha Srivivasan, a researcher in Japan, includes links to sustainable agriculture, biodiversity, and Geographic Information Systems sites around the world.
by Hal Hamilton
2. The Institute for Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy provides a wealth of fast changing information about agriculture and trade policy, biotechnology, endocrine disrupters, and other policy-related topics in the interface between agriculture, the environment, and human health.
3. Ag Agent Handbook is your source for all the information at the fingertips of county agents in the US. Here's where you go if you want to find out what to do about the bugs on your peaches or how to build a solar wood dryer.
4. Chicago Board of Trade--facts and figures from the belly of the beast. This is one of the best sources of information on agricultural production and prices.
5. The National Agricultural Library is one of the world's largest agricultural research libraries, including a bibliographic database, ordering information, and a link to the United States Department of Agriculture homepage in case you want a federal grant for your new business, weather information, or how to find a bureaucrat.
Hal Hamilton is the President for the Center for Sustainable Systems in Berea, Kentucky.