high fives
1. Electric Auto Association
by Jeff Zesiger
National organization composed of enthusiastic electric car hobbyists and small companies. Local chapters host their own Websites. Phoenix has the most developed site: many photos, an events calendar and safety tips for the home builder. Information on car races, electric car symposia, and how to make your own electric car. Join the EAA for an excellent newsletter.
2. Calstart
Having its roots in the high tech market downturn in the early 90's, Calstart is a group of companies, scientists and businesspeople seeking to convert defense industries to peacetime enterprise. Diverse talents are clustered in an industrial park to cooperate on alternative vehicle technology. Features include news summaries and yellow pages with links to companies making both components and total vehicles.
The Northeast Alternative Vehicle Consortium is a non profit group of public agencies and private companies promoting advanced vehicle technologies. This group of cooperating entities control many development funds and sponsor projects large and small in the northeastern states. A resource for bringing new concepts to life. Listings of technical meetings and state by state projects.
The Northeast Sustainable Energy Assoctiation has been active in promoting electric and alternative vehicles for more than a decade. Information on the annual Tour de Sol race/rally is available as well as sustainable energy topics.
Note the hyphen between www and personal--their address: www-personal.engin.umich.edu. With an address as bad as this the information had better be good. Well, this site is just getting off the ground. Yet it promises to be quite interesting. U. Michigan is one of the more savy universities for alternative vehicles. They have developed their own hybrid car that will be competing in the American Tour de Sol in May 97.
Jeff Zesiger is a physician and an alternative-car enthusiast in Northampton, Massachusetts.