high fives
by Ruben Kraiem
The most comprehensive listing I know for sites dealing with Mexico. The Nature & Environment: Environment & Natural Resources page links to more than fifty enviro-pages concerning Mexico. The Newspapers & Magazines: Newspapers page links to Mexican newspapers: you simply won't get the full story on Mexico if you follow the US press only (obvious factoid, but often disregarded). I especially recommend: La Cronica de Hoy one of Mexico's newest and best newspapers. Cronica has a daily section (Medio Ambiente), with reporting on enviro-issues (available only in Spanish).
2. Secretaria de Medio Ambiente, Recursos Naturales y Pesca (SEMARNAP)
Mexico's environment ministry. Excellent source for laws, regs, policies and (surprisingly candid on) status of projects under consideration. Some information available in English.
3. Instituto Nacional de Estadistica Geografia e Informatica
Best official source of information on geography, natural resources, population and general statistics. Available in Spanish and English versions.
4. Comision Nacional Para El Conocimiento y Uso de la Biodiversidad
Special focus on biodiversity. Among other features: analysis and detailed description of more than 150 "priority biodiversity regions" in Mexico. Some information available in English.
5. Centro de Calidad Ambiental, ITESM Campus Monterrey
Good academic resource, especially on US/Mexico border issues; follow links (enlaces) to Estudios Ambientales de la Frontera Mexico-EUA.
Ruben Kraiem is a Mexican national now living in New York, where he is a partner in the law firm of Paul Weiss Rifkind Wharton & Garrison and a trustee of the Natural Resources Defense Council.