high fives
by Eric Werbalowsky
Permaculture is the real world implementation of sustainablity ideas; encompassing appropriate technologies, agricultural, social and economic dimensions. My fascination with it is that it reads like an owners manual for the planet.
The mother of all permaculture resource links, based at University of North Carolina's SUNSITE, managed by Lawrence London. It also is a place to subscribe to permacultural related lists servers and newsgroups.
A cleanly designed site from the country with the highest concentration of permacultural practitioners in the world. Aussies have nationalized permaculture like the French have cuisine. What is Permaculture? Permaculture is a practical concept applicable from the balcony to the farm, from the city to the wilderness. It enables people to establish productive environments providing for food, energy, shelter, material and non-material needs, as well as providing the social and economic infrastructures that support them. Home of quarterly Permaculture International Journal, with contents of the latest issue and extracts from the lead article.
3. Bay Area Permaculture Guild
A California Bay Area site providing regional networking, workshops and training resources and introduction to permaculture community guilds. Excellent links.
4. City Farmer
Canadians rule. Canada's Office of Urban Agriculture promotes urban food production and environmental conservation from a small office in downtown Vancouver, British Columbia in a down home style, enthusiastic and comprehensive, plus list of related usenet and newsgroups. It concerns itself with all manner of subjects from rooftop gardens, to composting toilets, to air pollution and community development. It encompasses mental and physical health, entertainment, building codes, rats, fruit trees, herbs, recipes and much more.
5. Keyline Designs - Water for every farm
Keyline is a set of principles, techniques and systems, which coordinate into a development plan for rural and urban landscapes. The result is a strategic master plan to develop the natural or existing landscape through regeneration and enhancement. Permaculture water harvesting is based on Keyline. The site is sponsored by Keyline Designs company, run by the youngest son of P. A. Yeomans who originated Keyline design.
6. Sustainable Architecture, Building and Culture
A unique compendium of links and content oriented to the global community of ecological building proponents. Like Liberty Tree's Hive Fives, it provides pointers to sites organized by air, appropriate technology, architects & architecture, bioregional planning, deep ecology, earth building technology, eco building materials, eco villages & communities, embodied energy & LCA, environmental education, environmental illness, permaculture, principles of sustainability, recycled building materials, renewable energy, resources, straw bale construction, transportation, and water. No nudes.
Eric Werbalowsky is active in the (California) South Coast Permaculture Guild. He is a compost evangelist with Harmonious Technologies.